Tuesday 2/11 @3-4PM at EMR (Room 202, 1100 Mass Ave). Refreshments provided.
RSVP Short Link: https://tinyurl.com/EMR-2-11-25
Interested in Ethnic Studies, Border & Migration Studies, Global Indigeneity, Latinx, AAPI (Asian American & Pacific Islander) Studies, Muslim American Studies or other EMR-adjacent interdisciplinary topics? An EMR Secondary Field (five courses from our extensive list of “Courses that Count“) is a great option to consider, and it works well with many Concentrations from Humaities to STEM and Social Sciences to Arts!
At our EFoS event current EMR Secondary Fielders, especially our 2024 EMR Summer Thesis Research Grant Winners, will share their EMR Secondary Firld Declaration whys and hows!
As an Exploring Fields of Study (EFos) offering, Sophomores and First-Years considering Concentrations are especially encouraged to join us, although Secondary Fields can also be declared Junior and Senior year and we welcome all!