Ju Yon Kim is a Professor of English at Harvard University. Her research and teaching interests include Asian American literature and performance; modern and contemporary American theater and drama; and cross-racial and intercultural performance. She is the author of The Racial Mundane: Asian American Performance and the Embodied Everyday (NYU Press, 2015), which received the 2016 Lois P. Rudnick Book Prize from the New England American Studies Association for best book in American studies published in 2015 by a New England area scholar. Her articles have appeared or are forthcoming in Theatre Journal, Modern Drama, The Journal of Transnational American Studies, Modernism/modernity, Theatre Survey, and the Journal of Asian American Studies. As a 2013-2014 Visiting Scholar at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, she began a second book project now titled Paper Performance: Suspicion and the Spaces of Asian American Theater. She recently completed a three-year tenure as the book review editor of Modern Drama. Kim received her Ph.D. in Modern Thought and Literature from Stanford University and her B.A. in English from Yale University.
Ju Yon Kim
Ju Yon Kim
Professor of English
Faculty Director, Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies Working Group
Faculty Advisory Committee
Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies Working Group